Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nothing like a new gym!

Our local rec center recently underwent a major renovation and expansion. I'd been there for my daughter's swim team, but today I finally joined and did my first workout (6 miles on treadmill). I love a new gym with everything clean, working, etc. And the treadmills are in front of a huge window facing out to a splash pool and a park, so that makes it a little easier to deal with treadmill (aka dreadmill) running.

In other news, I purchased a used computrainer that should get here in another week or so. It's basically a souped-up bike trainer that hooks up to your computer and has all sorts of functions that help make trainer (drainer) rides both more productive and more interesting. Here's a link that has more info if that piques your interest.

Well, off to my granddaughter's birthday party. She is now 6 years old, man does that make me feel old!

Please see this website to read more about the HFK program and to make donations:
RMI Hope For Kidz Website Link


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